An in Introduction and my top stories.

Tim Gallo
1 min readDec 18, 2021

Hello readers. I decided to create an introduction post for those who first time visit my account.

My name is Tim Gallo. I live in Japan for half of my life. I am professional portrait photographer, my main fields are celebrity and artists portrait. I direct, write and sometimes work as an art director.

I practice hinduism, buddhism and christianity and was raised in multi-cultural multi-religion family. I can speak and write in 3 languages somewhat natively(so I apologise for some language mistakes in advance). I love writing prose and essays.

Here is my most popular articles:

Be Not Just a Photographer – Become a Poet

Don’t Take Pictures with Your Head – Take them with Your Heart

Taking Pictures is Only Half Way

On Portrait Photography – part I

On Portrait Photography – part II

Forget Your Best Ones

My Better Half

How to Grow in Photography

On process and results in Photography

Misconceptions about Portrait Lenses

6 Enemies of Creativity and How to Deal with Them

How do you actually learn creativity?

The Werther’s Photography Blues



Tim Gallo

Based in Tokyo Japan, I work as celebrity portrait photographer. Sometimes Movie Director. Occasionally poet. I apologise for not perfect english.